Navigate to the QBittorrent.exe file and select it to be allowed. Using Comodo Firewall as an example, select Tasks, Firewall Tasks and Allow Application. Of course, if your firewall is blocking your downloads, you’ll need to add them to your whitelist. Different firewalls do things in different ways but you want to allow QBittorrent to send and receive traffic. If the port is not open, make sure you have allowed QBittorrent through your firewall and forward it in your router.
Run the test again to see if the port is open.
The alternative rate limits are accessible, as mentioned above, by hitting the shortcut in the lower half of the main display, or by scheduling the user of alternative rate limits within this settings menu. Your alternative rate limits are automatically set to a sensible 5mb/s down, 1mb/s up, though these can also be edited. If you want to permanently have caps on your uploads and downloads, you can set them here they’re turned off by default.
In this settings menu you’ll find global rate limits for most downloads-i.e., when you want qBittorrent to be running at full speed.